Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Ultimate List of Reasons Why You Need Search Engine Optimization

1. SEO Is Not A Cost But An Investment
2. SEO Turns The Spotlight On Your Sales Rockstar
3. SEO Is A Crucial Part Of Your Marketing Mix
4. SEO Impacts The Research/Buying Cycle
5. SEO Pricing Is Variable
6. SEO Is Never Too Costly!
7. SEO Isn’t Icing On The Cake – It’s An Important Ingredient
8. SEO Is More Than Just SEO-Friendly CMS
9. SEO Can Multiply Your Impact
10. SEO Keeps You From Missing Out On Free Advertising
11. SEO Leverages Social Sharing
12. SEO Will Help People Find Your Website
13. SEO Goes To The Heart Of Your Business
14. SEO Builds Trust & Credibility
15. SEO Makes You Ubiquitous
16. SEO Helps Build Your Brand
17. SEO Is A Long-Term Strategy
18. SEO Drives Offline Sales
19. SEO Attracts Relevant Traffic With High Conversion Potential
20. SEO Is Measurable Marketing
21. Your SEO Consultant Is A ‘Secret Weapon’
22. SEO Is Cost Effective
23. SEO Can Be Outsourced To Run Hands-Free
24. SEO Can Be Made To Work For You
25. SEO Can Convince Even Skeptics
26. SEO Provides Endless Opportunity
27. SEO Beats Paid Traffic
28. SEO Is Rooted In User Intent
29. SEO Helps You Capitalize On Weak Competition

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